In 2019 I stepped back into 1931 Los Angeles for HBO's Perry Mason season 1. Production Designer John Goldsmith wanted us to work only off of historical reference images, so many of the pieces I designed were recreations of real places in Los Angeles during the late 1920s and early 1930s. My favorite piece might be the blueprint of Girard I drafted by hand that ended up as the backdrop of the end credits of one of the episodes.
Below is an article posted by The Daily Breeze featuring photos of a few of my signs and billboards.

Photo by Chuck Bennett, Contributing Photographer at the Daily Breeze

Angel's Flight - Thorne Drugs and Advertisements

Storefront ads and neon design

Angel's flight ads and sketch in newspaper

Movie Posters

Movie posters in movie studio office

Movie posters in movie studio office
Movie posters in movie studio office and at Warner Grand Theater
Van Owen Airfield, Bottoms Up Riding Club & Mason Dairy

Ptomaine Tommy's: Signs and Menu Wall - Recreated from historic references

Evidence: Newspaper Sketch and Mason's notes

Juror Sketches

Van de Kamps Donuts Billboard Recreation

Billboards and Handbills

Radiant Assembly Of God - Logo, Seven Deadly Sins Animals

Girard Plans